The Shepherd's Guild is a service organization for Orthodox Christian laypersons with the purpose to provide outreach to people through service (Diakonia) as "commanded by the Gospel (Matthew 25, 31-46: James 1, 27) and promulgated by St. Basil the Great of Caesarea and St. John the Almsgiver of Alexandria."
The Shepherd's Guild is a registered 501c3 charity with the Internal Revenue Service.
The Shepherd's Guild has been involved with outreach activities since the founding of the organization. Our past projects: "Bear in the Box", sending Christmas gifts and items to orphanages in Bulgaria, Greece and the Ukraine; "Vitamins for Villages", sending multi-vitamins and assistance to vulnerable children and prenatal vitamins to women in Uganda. Giving to monasteries in the Holy Land. And helping with community charities through our annual Anderson Greek Festival (currently the Greek-Mediterranean Festival). -- The Guild's Wine Sales benefits our outreach activities.